Educative capsule recordings

Educative capsules

Educative capsules are an integral part of the cardiac rehab program as to expand your knowledge on cardiovascular disease prevention through lifestyle. It is strongly encouraged to take notice of each theme with either the video recordings or provided cheat-sheet. 

Let our kinesiologist know when you've watch a capsule, they will take note of it in your chart. 

By clicking the following links, you'll find a cheat-sheet summary of the information shared in each capsule. Below, you can find the recordings, which are always available to watch. 

Capsule 1 -  Managing cardiovascular risk

Capsule 2 -  Physical activity for cardiac health

Capsule 3 -  Hypertension prevention through lifestyle

Capsule 4 -  Exercising according to seasons

Capsule 5 -  Goal setting

Capsule 6 - Mindful eating (no cheat-sheet available, watch the recording to experiment eating in mindfullness!)

Capsule 7 -  Sleep hygiene

Capsule 8 -  Panic attack or Heart attack?

Capsule 9 - Fall prevention (see recorded capsule)

Educative capsules Recordings

Capsule 8 - Panic attack or Heart attack? ( slides available, recording to come)

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